Exercise Balls & Gear

Exercise Balls, Gear, DVD Video, and Book

What product are you looking for?

Exercise Balls
Floor Mat
Ankle Weight
Balance Board
Exercise Ball Chairs
Exercise Ball Workouts Book
Exercise Ball Workouts DVD Video

Exercise Balls

Do a simple search on the internet for exercise ball and you’ll run across many types from which to choose.

But how do you decide which one is right for you?

There are two things to keep in mind before purchasing an exercise ball.

The first thing to pay attention to is the size of the ball you are purchasing. You want to make sure you buy the correct size ball.

The second thing to pay attention to is the quality of the ball. I only recommend purchasing balls that are anti-burst or burst resistant. These balls are made from a higher quality plastic than regular exercise balls.

What size ball should you buy?

That depends on your height.

If you are 4′ 11″ – 5′ 3″, you should use a 55 cm. exercise ball.

If you are 5′ 4″ – 5′ 10″, you should use a 65 cm. exercise ball.

If you are 5′ 11″ and up, you should use a 75 cm. exercise ball.

If you are need of an exercise ball, I recommend you purchase a ball by Valeo. They are quality balls and are burst resistant. Plus, they come with a hand pump and a poster of basic exercises. There is not a better value than these balls.

55 cm. Ball

65 cm. Ball

75 cm. Ball

Floor Mat

A floor mat is especially useful if you have hardwood floors or you don’t want to risk carpet burn.

Exercise ball Workouts How To Book

Workout your core with this step-by-step book.


Dumbbells are needed for many of the arm exercises.

Ankle Weights

Great for adding extra resistance to leg exercises!

Balance Board

A balance board is used for the advanced exercises.

Exercise Ball Chairs

These ergonomic office chairs encourage “active sitting” and good posture. They also help relieve lower back pain. We have one of these chairs in the office and it kinda makes it fun to switch it up and sit on this chair for a while. The Exercise Ball chair has also been known to help children engage more in school studies.

Exercise Ball Workout Routines on DVD video

Here is a great DVD video that shows you how to do beginner to intermediate Exercise Ball Workout routines. The DVD includes 5 quantity 10 minute Exercise Ball workout routines. Now, you can do your Exercise Ball Workouts in front of the TV with more room to work out on the Exercise Ball!

You can buy the video Here:

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